Showing posts with label local radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label local radio. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

How to Spot an Ineffectual Do-Gooder. Louis Shalako.

Louis Shalako

How to Spot an Ineffectual Do-Gooder.

The ineffectual do-gooder’s preferred habitat is the front page of your local media outlet.

Their most distinguishing feature is that they are always ‘raising awareness’ of some significant topical issue, and a distinct absence of ideas of exactly what to do about it. They want to hold a candlelight vigil. More than anything, they want a pat on the back and reinforcement of the idea that they are good people, that they love Jesus and they’re just trying to do God’s work for Him, when in reality, these privileged, dull, unimaginative children of the middle class are just looking for a little publicity and a feeling that they are making a difference, when, really they are not—

If I was a Canadian journalist, confronted by yet another ineffectual do-gooder, ever so sincerely trying to raise awareness on the front page of my media outlet, I would have just one question for them:

“On this particular issue, if you could offer one single, concrete, and specific suggestion to address the situation, if you were given the power to take action, what would you do?”

< resounding silence>

“What’s the first thing you would tell the government to do. Right? They have the power to pass laws and fund programs, what would you suggest…? Right?”

<more silence>

And, ladies and gentlemen, if they don't have anything, then they don't get in my newspaper or other media outlet. That's because you're wasting all of our time. As a self-absorbed, egotistical little shit, this shocks you in some small way. But, as an example, 'the opoid crisis' is in the newspapers, on TV news and radio news, at least once a week.

How much fucking higher do you think we will have to 'raise awareness' of this issue, considering the idea or concept of the opioid crisis has well over a 95% 'penetration rate', in terms of public awareness. So, if you get that up to 98%, will something miraculously happen to solve the problem…??? Because that’s the impression I get. The power of positive thinking is useless without positive, by that I mean concrete, specific suggestions. Ideas. What exactly would you have us do? Go downtown and burn a candle on the riverbank with you? All that does is get us in the paper.

You honestly believe it will work—

You honestly believe that somebody, somewhere else—surely not the likes of you, will take concrete and specific actions to address the issue. As long as it’s not you—because you don’t have one, single fucking idea. Just feelings—hopes and dreams—thoughts and fucking prayers.

And you can't—or won't—answer that one either. It's okay, you're in good company. Canadian journalists can't answer it either. No, far better to raise awareness and have no ideas at all. At least that way you can’t fail. That’s because you can’t try. You have nothing to try—nothing at all.

#practical_suggestions #Canadian_journalism

Simply put, you're a bunch of fucking dummies.

A dummy is someone who doesn't have any ideas.

Are you aware, young man, that income levels are closely linked to outcomes in terms of mental health issues?

And that mainstream media and the middle class have forever inextricably linked mental health and addictions as being one and the same issue...??? #fuck_off

Have you ever wondered why they do that? You know, like slandering anyone who ever had a beer or smoked a joint as mentally-ill?

Oh, yeah, and then turning around and slandering anyone with a mental illness as an inveterate substance-abuser?

When the Establishment does that, government, CMHA, corporate media, it is an attempt to make an expensive problem look unsolvable. They’ll drib and drab with food banks, mental-health outreach programs, all of it underfunded because it’s hopeless anyway.

And they’ll never be out of a job, either.

And, if the middle-class, the taxpayers, (the rich, the big corporations, duck their fair share in a multitude of ways, and of course poor people are below the tax threshold on CRA tax tables), think it's a lost cause, why, then, they’re obviously not going to want to spend their tax dollars on it. They’d rather plunk it down on something that works, like roads, bridges and hospitals.

Those are more tangible—you can see them, and they seem real. The average middle class person has no expertise when it comes to solving poverty.

I’ll tell you this much: you have no ideas. No one is going to hand you a big pile of cash, not an effective amount of cash. Because it takes billions, year in and year out. Fifty or sixty grand, some grant money, (but you haven’t even got that far yet, that’s because you have no fucking ideas), buys you a storefront for a few months. It hires one entry-level professional just out of school, for about six months, and it buys a few pens, pencils, an ad in the local paper—who are only too happy to take the taxpayer’s money.

You're all talk and no cock, Boyo.

What impresses me most about you people is how little you know about the people you are ostensibly planning to help.

“It’s difficult to validate, but we do believe that several deaths have been prevented since Naloxone or Narcan kits have become available,” he said.

Yeah, it's a lot like claiming success in suicide prevention, while at the same time, resisting all calls to track ODSP/OW suicide statistics. Because we all know what that would show. It would show that ODSP/OW clients are a high-risk group. They are at-risk. We all know it to be true, even though there are no stats—it is a self-evident truth.  

And we also know that the only solution is time, money, expense, trained people, working at effective programs. That money would have to come from somewhere, probably the taxpayers.

We can’t have that now, can we.

Ideas do not come from ineffectual do-gooders.


Another one.

...would this, by any chance, have anything to do with the fact that ODSP clients are living thirty-five to forty percent below the poverty line?

Then why not fucking say so.

The funny thing is, he never will, and neither will local radio.


St. Myles of Yappi.

What’s interesting about the more effectual do-gooders, such as St. Myles of Yappi, is that never, so long as they live, will they bring up the fact that ODSP clients are living thirty-five to forty percent below the poverty line, and that the landlord is taking seventy percent of their disability pension in rent.

Saint Myles will never call for a raise in ODSP/OW rates.

He will never call for a raise in the minimum wage, or rent controls, or an increase in allowable earnings for people on social assistance. In that sense, he is a stooge for the bourgeoisie. But then, they’re the ones donating all the tins of soup, which is of course in their best interest—they don’t want to see the situation coming down to class warfare.


Ultimately, an ineffectual do-gooder on the front page of the newspaper is just another damned suck-hole, looking for easy publicity, mostly for no reason at all.


Thursday, March 15, 2018


Louis Shalako

The reader just got sucked in by a clickbait headline. Stick around for a minute and maybe you’ll even see why I did it.

So, I was having a bit of upper back pain and I needed to go to work this morning. I’m on the Ontario Disability Support Program, and therefore if I don’t work, I don’t eat. I say that because food banks are a national disgrace.

Not only that, but the food there is absolute shit and I’ve gotten sick off of it more than once. 

Truth is, I throw half of it out, unless it’s fit for birds and squirrels, of which I have a few. 

Lining up in front of that stinking shit-hole for a couple of hours is actually more painful than going to work for three or four hours—at least I can move around a bit, sit down from time to time without losing my place in line.

I woke up about four a.m., rolled over on my right side, and, while I didn’t exactly scream, it was enough to make sure I didn’t get back to sleep again.

The thoughts of going out in that cold parking lot and firing up the crummy old vehicle were not good.

The fact that we got a pretty big order last week, had to scramble at the last minute to fill it, and that we had exactly forty-nine dough-balls left in stock has a logic all of its own.

I got up at some point, took a half a Tylenonl-Three, (roughly fifteen milligrams of codeine there), and I was at work at 6:57 a.m. I did my job, made up a few loads of pizza dough, washed out some totes. At some point I’d had enough, so I locked up the shop and went to the boss’s house, where we talk about things and then she pays me in what is a pretty simple transaction.

So, why do I say I’m fueling the opoid epidemic, admittedly codeine is an natural opiate, not a synthetic drug, and one that is a hundred to a thousand times less potent than Oxycontin, fentanyl or a host of other substances?

Well, for one thing, I’m on ODSP and I line up at food banks—that’s a prime indicator. I say that because according to the prevalent news stories, one of the great causes of poverty in this province is mental health/addictions. The second is drug addiction and poor moral choices, the third is evilness and personal stupidity. The one thing that definitely does not cause poverty would be lack of money--apparently we have all kinds of money for dope and stuff.

At least to hear them tell it--

If you don’t believe me, listen to local radio, read your local Postmedia or Torstar publication. We are so lucky to have so many conservative news sources in this province, I can tell you that.
No, ladies and gentlemen, it’s not as simple as saying that poverty results from lack of money, in fact, if you listen long enough, you will see that lack of money is the least likely cause of poverty in this province. Hell no--anything but that, right...???

Want to hear something funny? I went to the dentist for a toothache. Not seeing much on the X-Ray, he had this look on his face: looks like we got a live one here.

Of course, his assistant asks if you are on any other medications, and of course I truthfully told her I had been prescribed T-3s for back pain. This is a prime indicator in any middle-class book, of an individual, a shirker, one who just doesn’t want to work and is just out to fuck the system. A couple or three days later, what I thought was a filling fell out. When I went back, it turned out the tooth was cracked lengthwise, and it had to be pulled. So I guess I was faking it after all--right, doc...??? In the hope of getting a big whack of arm-dope or something...right?

(Their logick is often circular and therefore self-reinforcing. Not to mention self-serving and a kind of distilled hypocrisy, but what the hell you gonna do about it except beat them up once in a while, when you get the chance.) It's just that there's a big crackdown on opoids in the province. While this might not take too much dope off the streets, it will definitely cause problems for working Ontarians, which can only be a good thing...right?


Of course it will, and that's why they do it.

Sure hope this wasn’t too much truth for your bourgeois little minds.


Oh, dear, goodness gracious me. What a lazy little fucker, went and wrote all these books and stories, all the while collecting social benefits.

What a morally-degenerate piece of shit I must be, eh, ladies and gentlemen.

Or maybe I was just bored.

Thank you for reading.