Showing posts with label Doug Ford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doug Ford. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Hysteria Versus a Sober Analysis of the Facts.

Louis Shalako

The true ideologue is among the most ignorant of men, for he asks no questions, (although they do make a lot of statements), and needs no new information, and wouldn’t entertain an idea if it bit him on the ass. He already has all of his answers, provided to him in the most dichotomous terms, by his father’s dinner table conversation, at or about the age of nine years old.

They never forget, and they never learn anything new.

However, you and I can do better than that—

Freaking Out.

When people freak about Mr. Ford's slashing of proposed increases to ODSP/OW, one must bear in mind these were pre-election promises made by a doomed government.

There is no guarantee that they would have ever been implemented. At one time, the Liberals had proposed a massive shift, where welfare was eliminated and everyone would get, essentially, $749.00/month in subsistence. This would be four hundred less than ODSP clients were already getting, and in fact my own rent is more than that. So it remains to be seen just how far Mr. Ford will go, or how far he even can go, bearing in mind certain realities--e.g. the fact that my landlord is dependent on that disability cheque to the tune of $788.00/month. 

And I can assure you that the landlord is a conservative.

It is true, that I tweeted to former Premier, the Right Honourable Kathleen Wynne, seven or eight days before the election, that there was still time to raise ODSP and OW rates, in an act of simple justice. She admitted on the front page of many media outlets, the very next day, that they couldn’t win the provincial election. There was still some time, they had a majority, and yet they made no move to adopt the suggested changes.


Okay, read the second last line. Now recall, that I tweeted the new Premier the following question—this was just a few days ago: Doug, what sort of preliminary data were we getting back from the Basic Minimum Income project?

Now. Reading between lines, bearing in mind the Progressive Conservative ideology, it is an easy guess, that the program was fairly successful, in that outcomes were, in general, positive, and with at least some of the promised savings for taxpayers, even though the program took millions in funding. It has also only been going since early 2017—

The cynic in me says this is exactly the kind of information that PCs would prefer not to receive, as it contradicts their ideology, which is that work brings dignity, (more cynic), and the less it pays, the more dignity it brings. (On a dollar-for-dollar basis, this is true on some level. It is a level only ideologues and capitalists can understand, perhaps justify is a better word).

Mr. Ford is not going to pander to his critics, he has all the power. But he will, inevitably, pander to his base, no matter how ignorant and unsophisticated they may be.

Him too.

##Doug_Ford @FordNation #ODSP #OW #Louis

You guys know my attitude towards food banks, they are of course a national disgrace, and there are an estimated 1,000 of the fucking things here in Ontario. However, it is even possible that Canadian journalists also read my posts, and they're not exactly stupid. What they are, is thin on the ground, overworked and underfunded, and with the precarious nature of this particular calling at this particular time, not inclined to rock too many boats when advertisers are, for the most part, business advertisers—business big and small.

The other advertisers are the government, charities, (like fucking food banks and shit like that), as well as a few multinational corporations of a predatory nature.

Perspective: The Harris government slashed OW by 22.5 % back in 1995. Mr. Ford has slashed an increase by 50 %. The Liberals had promised three percent, for three years in a row, the Conservatives have left much doubt about the two years after this one. I don't like the man's policies, but if he follows my advice, we can still improve people's lives (I'm on ODSP) and still save a few taxpayer bucks. This is why I will be tweeting at him every day for the next 100 days.

If you have a concrete, specific suggestion, you can tweet the Premier, #Doug_Ford at @FordNation

No ineffectual do-gooders please.

Together, we can make a difference. Sure beats hysteria.

Doug, I totally agree with the Minister—social services is a patchwork, a mess, a fur-ball.

The question is what to do about it.

The thing is to do it right, with the minimum of pain and disruption to Ontario's most vulnerable citizens.

#Doug_Ford @FordNation #ODSP #OW #Louis

A simple test. If the preliminary data coming from the Province of Ontario's Basic Income pilot (now cancelled), was all-negative, then I have no doubt it would be quickly released by the government. If it was at all amenable to spin, then I suspect some spun version, shall we say more interpretive than hard numbers and facts, would be released at a somewhat later date—this allows them time to do the work of spinning it. But if it was mostly positive, or completely positive, the odds are the government, this government, would have no real incentive to release that data.

#analysis #tests #facts #honesty #interrogations

(Louis is always interrogating the system, ladies and gentlemen. – ed.)

On behalf of the taxpayers of Ontario, who paid for this study, I hereby call upon this government to release this preliminary data.

It will be interesting to see, if the Right Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of this fine province, can get the affected department, in the face of their own soon and imminent demise, to do the work of analysis and digestion of aforesaid data.

Honestly, if we could simplify this bullshit, it would free up a few hundred million for other projects, including poverty reduction. #snork #cynics

…and now you know how I really feel.


At the time of this writing, Louis has all kinds of books and stories available for free from Smashwords. He would hate to see anyone miss out—

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

An Open Fuck Off To Kathleen Wynne, Doug Ford, and Andrea Horvath. Louis Shalako.

Louis Shalako

Dear Kathleen Wynne, Doug Ford and Andrea Horvath.

Clients of the Ontario Disability Support Program are living on pensions that are thirty-five to forty percent below the poverty line. Clients of Ontario Works have a special kind of hell reserved for them as well.

I ask you for bread, and I ask you for lower rents. I ask you for a raise in the allowable earnings levels, I ask you for a reduced rate of clawback for those who do get some work. I ask you for honest social workers, workers who are on our side instead of yours, social workers who don’t lie, and cheat, and steal, and try to rip us off. I ask you for social workers who can answer a simple God-damned question once in a while, and social workers that can give the same answer twice in a row.

No, somehow, you just can’t do it.

And what do you have to offer? Now that you’re all running for election.

Money for mental health outreach programs. Money for pharmacare. Money for the opiate crisis. Money to legalize pot, but then you expect to make a bundle off of it, don’t you. 

Money for front-page nutritionists. Money for child care. Money to reduce wait times in hospitals. Money for roads, and bridges, and sewers. Money for just about anything the electorate desires, only as long as it’s anything, anything, for the love of God, but this—but this.

Hell, there might even be more money for advertising—certainly we can look forward to more touchy-feely, good-news stories about the eight hundred to a thousand fucking food banks in this province.

I realize that a million people, living in poverty, has never been an election issue in this province.

But I would sure like to know, just what the hell your problem is. It’s quite instructive, watching you reaching down your own throats and pulling yourselves inside out. It’s quite interesting, to see how wilfully blind you are, each of you in your own way, to a problem that has gone on long enough. It’s interesting to see you squirm, and wriggle, and twist and turn any which way you can, all in an effort, a very strong effort, to ignore the realities for too many Ontario families.

It is intolerable, it is a disgrace, and may it come back to haunt each and every one of you in your own way, at your own time, and in your own place.

That last item is something none of us will ever know.

Give us a place—a place to stand. A place to grow. A place we call Ontari-ari-fucking-oh.

Oh, one more thing—every God-damned one of you.

Fuck off.


Thank you for reading.


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Louis Shalako Poops On Canadian Food Banks.

Louis Shalako

Some commenter on Youtube was all incensed. He told me I was ‘lucky’ to line up at food banks, and he stated that I was ‘lucky’ to be able to go every ten days, and that ‘most places it’s only once a month’. So I decided, in all fairness, to do some fact-checking.

“...on average, in Halifax, you can go once a month”.

So, dickweed maybe had a point to make after all—


Each food bank is a little different, but on average you can go once a month, and you’ll receive 3 to 5 days of food per person in your household.

“Sun Youth assigns one day per month for food distribution to each group. It is strongly recommended to the people concerned that they pick up the products related to their needs on the scheduled day as the availability of some products is dependent upon the donations Sun Youth receives. Senior Day is the first Monday of the month, Kosher Day (day for seniors requiring kosher food) the first Thursday, the Day for pregnant women is the second Tuesday of the month and Magic Day (day of HIV positives) the second Thursday.”

Hmn. Another once-a-month food bank. Sure hope you’re not on disability. This is the one where you’re paying 70 % of your income, which is thirty or forty percent below the poverty line, in rent. Assuming you have a phone and wear clothes, this leaves $1.25 per day to ‘budget’ for food, according to certain front-page nutritionists, big girls who just like to cook, on a six-month contract and a government grant.

After that, they’ll be back on welfare, living in no-daddy alley, and having no idea that they were basically just conned into making such statements. Still, if it moved a few rutabagas, some corporation somewhere gets a tax credit for their donation of some rotten old produce.

Winnipeg: once every two weeks. Bear in mind, larger cities have more than one food bank. 

Locally, our three major food banks have a computer system, which tracks entries and they know when you’ve been to another food bank. If it’s a long weekend, and if you had to work, you were in dialysis, your kid was hit by a car, whatever you do, don’t show up a day early or they’ll give you shit for something.

No details on how often you can go, but they take special note of the ‘gratitude’ and the ‘hope’ when someone gets a box of food.

Yeah, the cocksuckers are hoping to live another 1-3 days without blowing their brains out.

North Bay, Ontario: 1-3 days worth of food, once a month. If that ain’t a solution to poverty, I’d sure as hell like to know what is.


Kenora and District food banks provide 1-3 days food, once a month to every three months...

#national_disgrace That is some solution to poverty, ladies and gentlemen.


I’ve often wondered if these guys are as quite as stupid as they make themselves out to be. If these guys had spent half as much time fighting poverty as they have glorifying food banks, something might have actually been done about it by now.

Another good-news, heartwarming story from Canadian Journalism.


Temporary Food Bank still going strong after 25 years.



Five fucking stars in the Michelin Review of Canadian Food Banks.

I’m sure.


Yeah, that 1-3 days of food from a Canadian food bank sure makes up for a lot—like the missing $1,000.00/month from your disability pension. You know, considering the poverty line in this country is $20-22,000.00/year and everything.


Oh, boy, look at all those lovely food banks. This is a good link, I know that because it’s posted by the fucking Health Department.


...fuck, they’re working their asses off, institutionalizing it...I hear Doug Ford wants to set up a Ministry of Food Security, and rationalize it, perhaps even privatize it. Then some Toronto Sun commenters get to decide who is deserving poor and who isn’t.


Yeah...look at all that hope, ladies and gentlemen.


No word on how often you can go, but three day’s worth of food from the Salivation Army in Windsor.



Thank you for reading.

I've got some books and stories on Amazon. Perhaps you'd be good enough to have a look.